If you are involved in a car accident, the first reaction is probably shock, and it may take a bit of time for the events to sink in. Nobody expects to get into a car accident, so it can really shake a person and make them feel helpless. It is important to know that...
Common mistakes people make after a car accident
Car accidents are undoubtedly a traumatic experience for anyone. People are often shaken and highly emotional in the moment; after all, it takes time for their minds to catch up with what their bodies just went through. In these circumstances, it is perfectly normal...
Falls Church intersection problematic for pedestrians
Pedestrians know that each time they are walking on sidewalks near busy roadways that there is always the chance that an accident can happen. Many of the roadways in our communities were not designed with pedestrian safety in mind. Falls Church is receiving...
What options do passengers have when injured in a car crash?
Sometimes, liability for car crash injuries is reasonably straightforward. One party is clearly at fault for the injury, and their insurance company pays for the medical bills, property damage and other expenses of the other driver. But what if one of the drivers had...
Boating safety tips to keep in mind for the summer
The pandemic has led to many people deciding to stick close to home during the summer for vacation. Some of them are heading out on area waterways to escape the heat. Whether you are a relatively new boat owner or an experienced watercraft operator, there are some...